Press: Nonno's Italian Restaurant Named Best Italian in Orlando
Welcome to the press page of Nonno's Italian Restaurant, where you can find the latest news and updates about our authentic Italian dining experience. Our restaurant has been praised for its delicious cuisine, warm atmosphere, and friendly staff. We are committed to providing our guests with the best Italian dining experience possible and are proud to have been featured in numerous publications and media outlets. Check back often for new updates and be sure to follow us on social media for even more news and information. Thank you for your interest in Nonno's Italian Restaurant.
For media inquiries, please contact our press team at info@nonnositalianrestaurant.com. Our team will be happy to assist you with any information or materials you may need to feature Nonno's Italian Restaurant in your publication or broadcast. We are proud of the legacy we have built and are always eager to share our story with a wider audience.

Pollo di Stefano Recipe Featured in La Trattoria "La Vera Cucina"
By Tom Cortopassi
Stanislaus "La Trattoria" Newsletter
Decemeber 2022